Like Arrows, Cedar Tree, Book Six
An assignment has just turned interesting…
for GFI investigator Malachi Whitetail. When a shy, mousy woman walks into his local diner, it takes him a minute to recognize her as an employee of the real estate office he’s been monitoring. Not a believer in coincidence, Mal decides a closer look at the short brunette might be warranted. It will be the first, but certainly not the last time, he finds himself coming to her rescue.
Kimeo Lowe leads a pretty quiet existence, which is why, when she ends up a witness to a crime, her curiosity into her boss’s suspected shady dealings gets kicked into high gear. She may not be the most sociable of people, but she’s always been independent and industrious, so when an opportunity to dig a little deeper arises, she doesn’t think twice. It would seem that this time she’s bitten off a bit more than she can chew, and when a freakishly tall Native American Adonis intervenes not just once, she decides sleuthing may be best left to professionals. But it’s a bit too late.
Just when life has settled into a comfortable routine, Kim finds herself dealing with not just one, but two threats on her life. With every turn there are new challenges to face, and Mal is not about to let her face them alone. Not even when he turns out to be no match for her most dangerous enemy.
“Kimeo, you’ve gotta snap out of this.”
At the mention of her full name her eyes finally snap open, looking wild and disoriented. It’s Boo’s soft whimpers from where his head is perched on the pillow next to hers, that seem to pull her back into the here and now.
“What?” Her voice sounds hoarse from the screaming. Turning her face away from Boo, her eyes finally focus on mine and she repeats, “What?”
“You were having a nightmare. Pretty bad from what I could tell. Do you remember?”
The confusion seems to disappear from her eyes only to be replaced with horror as she scans my face.
“Oh my God…did I do that?” Her shocked whisper has me raise a hand to my cheek where I feel a slight burn. It comes away bloody and instantly Kim’s eyes fill with tears. “I am so sorry…” Her fingers skim over my face, leaving a cool soothing trail in their wake.
“It’s fine. Just a scratch, honey. You did worse damage to yourself. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Without waiting for an answer, I reluctantly push up from her body and get off the bed, before pulling her off too. My hand firmly on the back of her neck, I guide her into the bathroom where she stares in shock at her reflection.
“I did that?”
“Mmm.” I grab a washcloth from the shelf and wet it under the tap before gently wiping her throat while lifting her chin up with my other hand. “It’s not that bad, have a look. Just a scratch,” I reassure her.
“I was in the supply closet and the door opened, but it wasn’t you. Just two eyes behind a mask. He had a knife.” Her body does a full on shiver and against my better judgement, I dump the washcloth in the sink and wrap her tight in my arms. “Just a dream,” I mumble in her hair.
“Yeah, but you rescued me again,” she whispers in my chest before tilting her head back to look at me. “Thank you.”
Fuck me. Those big liquid eyes, plump pouty lips, hell even the red blotches on her nose are impossible to resist. Keeping her gaze trapped with mine, I slant my mouth over hers and on her gasp of surprise, sweep my tongue inside for a taste. Sweet, hot, with a hint of spice—damn.
Big mistake.
When I feel the vibrations of her moan against my tongue I know I have to pull back or I’ll lose all control. That moan travels all the way down to my cock and I know there’s no way she missed that pressing in her belly.
Rather abruptly, I push her back by the shoulders. She has a dazed look on her face and I know exactly how she feels. In a last indulgence I run my thumb over her soft bottom lip before completely letting go of her.
“Have a shower. It’ll make you feel better. I’m gonna whip us up some dinner.” With that, I leave a not quite coherent Kim in the bathroom. So much for staying away from her…